名称 | 描述 |
品牌名 | 七木 |
品牌服务 | 销售各类传统和现代家具、定制家具服务,提供入户设计方案和远程设计服务。 |
产品分类 | 沙发、床、餐桌、椅子、书柜、衣柜、厨柜等。 |
竞争对手 | 曲美家具、宜家家居、红星美凯龙、顾家家居、而我家等。 |
官方网站 | www.qimuyi.com |
总部地点 | 广州市白云区三元里大道327号 |
品牌简介 | 七木成立于1996年,是一家致力于为全球消费者提供优质家具及居家环境整体解决方案的企业。企业本着“以诚信待客,以品质求生存”的管理理念,经过多年的发展壮大,已拥有数百家营销网点(含1-5星级专卖店、卖场、超市等)和6000余名经验丰富的员工。 |
成立日期 | 1996年 |
1) 👍七木家常系列非常适合我们这个年龄段的人,价格实惠质量好。 2) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟非常满意这次在七木买的榻榻米,一如既往地优雅、简洁、舒适。 3) 😊感觉七木的风格比较简约大方,不会太花哨,自己喜欢。4) 💯七木家具性价比真的很高,而且样式也非常漂亮。 5) 🤩我在七木买的餐桌真的很赞,细节处理得很好,做工非常精细。
As a discerning shopper, you are always looking for not only the highest quality but also the best value. In your quest for exceptional products, have you stumbled upon Sevenwood? Allow me to introduce you to this extraordinary brand that is well-known for crafting exquisite wooden products.
Whether you are looking for furniture, kitchenware or home decor, Sevenwood offers a wide range of options to suit your discerning tastes. What sets them apart from other brands is their meticulous attention to detail and use of sustainable materials. Each item is carefully crafted by skilled artisans with utmost care and precision.
Now, you might be wondering about the price point. Fear not, as I urge you to check out the unbeatable prices for Sevenwood products on (🔗TbKong▷历史价格:产品价格比较) website. With a few clicks, you can easily compare prices and find the best deal available.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Tbkong today to discover the best deals on Sevenwood's finest products and add a touch of natural beauty and elegance to your life. 🌳🪵🛋️🍳🏠