1. 防晒强度:对于普通日常活动来说,SPF值在30-50之间即可满足需求。而如果是进行水上运动等长时间暴露在太阳下的情况,SPF值需要至少在50以上。
2. 防晒效果:防晒产品会有直接挡住阳光的物理防晒和吸收紫外线的化学防晒两种方式。其中,物理防晒相对来说更加安全,但也容易留下白色残留物。
3. 适合肤质:不同肤质对防晒产品也有不同的选择。例如,干皮可以选择含有保湿成分的防晒品,油皮则需要选择轻薄易吸收的产品。
1. 紫**:这款防晒霜很好用,不仅能防晒还能美白。还没有过敏反应。已经是第三次购买了。
2. 蕾**:包装很精美,第一次使用后张罗朋友给我一瓶,也是同样的产品。整个夏天都是它陪伴我,没有晒黑,脸色很好看。真的很不错。
3. 丹**:一直在网上看好喜欢就下单入手啦,在用前本人是红肿皮肤现用是非常好的滋润,有淡淡的香味,保湿效果OK,防晒效果很棒,觉得自己这次买到了好的商品,性价比超级高。
😍😘🌞 Selecting a good sunblock is vital to our daily skincare routine, especially in this sunny season. A Hanfen Whitening and Spot Removing Sunscreen has become the top choice for many people.
In order to choose a good sunblock product, other than considering the SPF level, you need to pay attention to the following points as well:
1. Sunblocking intensity: For normal daily activities, an SPF level between 30-50 is sufficient. However, if you’re going to be doing water sports or other outdoor activities for a long time, an SPF level of at least 50 is required.
2. Sunblocking effect: There are two types of sunblock – physical block and chemical block. Physical block directly blocks the sunlight while chemical block absorbs UV rays. Physical block is safer, but can leave a white residue.
3. Skin type suitability: Different skin types require different sunblocks. For example, dry skin should choose sunblocks with moisturizing ingredients while oily skin should choose light and fast-absorbing sunblocks.
A Hanfen Whitening and Spot Removing Sunscreen is an excellent product. It has an SPF level of 50+, which can effectively resist the damage from strong sunlight. Additionally, A Hanfen uses physical sunblock ingredients which not only tend to be gentler and safer on the skin, but also can whiten the skin and remove spots. Furthermore, this product contains multiple moisturizing ingredients, providing ample moisture to the skin and making it more supple.
According to the historical price trend chart of sunblock products, we can see that A Hanfen Whitening and Spot Removing Sunscreen has consistently remained a top seller, with high popularity among customers. Moreover, by purchasing this product from Star Pavilion Beauty and Skincare Store, you can also enjoy good after-sales service and discounted prices.
While there are various brands offering sunblock products, such as Fancl, Huaxizi, DR.G, Hanhuo, and even Olay, A Hanfen Whitening and Spot Removing Sunscreen stands out amongst them with its outstanding sun blocking effects and exciting whitening and spot removing features.
Finally, let's take a look at some of the reviews for A Hanfen Whitening and Spot Removing Sunscreen!
1. ZI**: This sunscreen is amazing, not only does it work as a sunscreen, but it also does a great job in whitening. No allergic reactions so far. I have already bought it three times.
2. LE**: The packaging is very exquisite. After the first use, I recommended it to my friend and she also got a bottle of this product. It was with me throughout the whole summer without getting tan or decreasing skin color. It’s really great.
3. DAN**: I’ve heard good things about it online, so I decided to give it a try. Before using it, I had swollen and red skin. However, upon application, it is a very moisturizing cream, with a faint fragrance. Its moisturizing effects are okay, and its sunblocking effects are great too! I believe that I’ve purchased a really good product this time that provides excellent value for money.