名称 | 描述 |
品牌名 | 吉德 |
品牌服务 | 提供高品质生活日用品,主要产品线包括美妆工具、洗护用品、童装等 |
产品分类 | 美妆工具、洗护用品、童装 |
竞争对手 | 欧莱雅、资生堂、花王 |
官方网站 | www.jed.com |
总部地点 | 中国 上海市 普陀区 长寿路申友大厦 |
品牌简介 | 吉德集团成立于1997年,是一家以生产家居日用品和化妆品为主的企业。自创立以来,吉德秉承“将生活方式艺术化”的理念,努力为客户提供优雅、环保、时尚、高品质的产品。 |
成立日期 | 1997年 |
1. ⭐⭐⭐⭐非常喜欢吉德的化妆刷和洗脸仪,超级好用
2. ⭐⭐⭐吉德的东西质量挺好的,但价格也有点贵
3. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐吉德的童装超级可爱,而且质量也很好
4. ⭐⭐⭐⭐吉德的顶极美妆工具真心不错5. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐吉德的设计风格简约大气,一直是我最喜欢的生活用品品牌之一。
Gede, a premium brand that you can trust for quality products and superior customer service. This brand has become a market leader for good reason, as they produce a wide range of innovative and eco-friendly solutions that cater to everyday needs.
From cleaning supplies to home appliances to personal care products, Gede offers exceptional value for your money. The brand strives for sustainability and excellence in all their creations, making them an ideal choice for those who are conscious about making a positive impact on the environment.
If you are looking for the best deals on Gede products, look no further than (🔗TbKong▷历史价格:最低价格查询). Their platform helps consumers find the lowest prices available online, allowing them to make well-informed choices when shopping.
So why wait? Head over to TbKong to find the best deals on Gede products today! With Gede and TbKong, you can shop smart and revolutionize the way you live.
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